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Book ID: 89888
Zohary, Michael und Nami Feinbrun - Dothan

Flora Palaestina. 4 volumes bound in 8 volumes. 1981 - 1995. 2434 plates (line drawgs.). several maps in the text. CXXXVII, 2269 p. gr8vo. Cloth.

The Flora Palaestina is the first work of this type confined to Palestina, that is Cis- and Transjordan, comprising Israel, Jordan, and the Gaza strip.It includes many species and varieties newly described, recorded for the first time or renamed since the publication of the second edition of Post's Flora. Certain groups have been taxonomically revised. - Second hand set at attractive price.
Author Zohary, Michael und Nami Feinbrun - Dothan
Article type Titel
Author Zohary, Michael und Nami Feinbrun - Dothan
Page image FLORA PALAESTINA : Parts 1-4 (in 8 volumes). Ed. by M.Zohary and N.Fein-brun-Dothan. 1966-1986. 2434 plates (line-drawings). several maps in thetext.CXXXVII,2269 p.Cloth.(89888) 224.70
Manufacturer Marlise Defferrard
Price excl. VAT 210,00
US price excl. VAT 222,6
EAN 2240000898889
ISBN 2240000898889
Current subscription price Nein
Pitchman info Nein
224,70 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
210,00 € excl. VAT (Other buyers)
(222,60 US$)
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