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Book ID: 8188
Perrier de la Bathie, H.

Flore de Madagascar. Orchids. English translation from the French original edition by Steven D. Beckman.1982 80 full-page plates (line - drawings). IX, 542 p. gr8vo. Cloth.

Contents (Partim): Alphabetical Index to Illustrations/ Habenarieae/ Satyrieae/ Diseae/ Disperideae/ Vanilleae/ Nervilieae/ Gastrodieae/ Corymbideae/ Physureae/ Glomereae/ Polystachyeae/ Liparideae/ Phajeae/Bulbophylleae/ Cyrtopodieae/ Sarcantheae/ Alphabetical Index to Orchids.-The only extensive account of the orchids of Madagascar.Covers 58 genera. - Good second hand copy. - This is an Engish translation of the 2 volumes published in Flore du Madagascar in French. - Second hand copy. Binding weak. Cloth cover showing signs of strong use.. Text clean and good.
Author Perrier de la Bathie, H.
Article type Titel
Author Perrier de la Bathie, H.
Page image Perrier de la Bathie, H.: Flore de Madagascar. Orchids. English trans-lation from the French original edition by Steven D. Beckman.198280 full-page plates. (8188) 109.14
Manufacturer Koeltz Botanical Books
Price excl. VAT 56,99
US price excl. VAT 60,4
EAN er de la Bathie
ISBN er de la Bathie
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60,98 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
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