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Book ID: 8465
ROTH, Ingrid

Fruits of Angiosperms. 1977. (Handbuch der Pflanzenanato- mie, Band X:1). 232 Fig. XVI,673 S. gr8vo. Ln.

Contents: A: General Part: The concept 'fruit'/ The carpel/ Fruit symmetry/ The pericarp/ Relation between anatomical structure andfunctions of the pericarp/ Fruit growth/ Meristems and fruit growth/Cell and tissue differentiation/ Cell contents/ Maturation/ Senescence/Texture and edibility of fruits/ Pattern formation/ B: Tissues composingthe pericarp/ Epidermis/ Periderm and lenticel formation/ Hypodermis/Parenchyma/ Collenchyma/ Sclerenchyma/ Vascular system/ Secretorystructures/ C: Structures beyond the pericarp/ Placentae and septs/ Theinferior ovary/ The fruits of cacti/ Accessory fruit parts/ D: Fruitdeshiscence/ Types of dehiscence/ Mechanisms of dehiscence/ Indehiscentfruits with delayed dehiscence/ E: Types of fruits/ The dehiscent fruit:the capsule sensu lato/ The indehiscent sclerocarpium: the nut/ Thefleshy-stony indehiscent fruit: the drupe (sarco-sclerocarpium)/ Thefleshy indehiscent fruit: the berry (sarcocarpium)/ Aggregate fruits andapocarpous gynoecia/ Infrutescences (Collective or multiple fruits)/F: Fruit abcission/ G: Special dispersal structures and heterodiaspory/Alaiosomes/ Floating fruits/ Pneumatocarpia and flying organs/ Dispersalorgans in the form of hooks or burs/ Heterodiaspory/ H: Taxonomic use ofthe pericarp structure/ I: Phylogeny of the fruit/ K: Fruits of cultivated plants and polyploidy/ Bibliography (28 p.)/ Index of authors/ Index of Latin plant and animal names/ General index.
Author ROTH, Ingrid
Article type Titel
Author ROTH, Ingrid
Page image ROTH, Ingrid: Fruits of Angiosperms. 1977. (Handbuch der Pflanzenanato- mie, Band X:1). 232 Fig. XVI,673 S. gr8vo. Ln. (8465) 148.00
Manufacturer Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung
Price excl. VAT 138,32
US price excl. VAT 146,6
EAN 2240000084657
ISBN 2240000084657
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