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Book ID: 98108
Fungi Non Delineati raro vel haud perspecte et explorate descripti aut definite picti

Pars 51-52. Quelques Especes Nouvelles ou Mal Delimitees d'Amanita de la Sous-section Vaginatinae by Pierre Neville et Serge Poumarat. 2009. col. photogr. illus.

This work is the first addition to the monograph 9 of the Fungi Europaei series: AMANITEAE of the same authors. The next new Amanita betulae, A. coryli, A. coryli f. albida, A. fulvoides, A. schaefferi, A. schaefferi f. albidoochracea,A. subfuliginosa, A. ochraceomaculata f. albidopileata, A. umbrinolutea f. albida are described; moreover A. avellanea are renamed and finally the next lectotypus or neotypus are nominated: Agaricus badius Schaeffer, A. vaginata var. lividopallescens Gillet, A. battarrae (Boudier) M. Bon, A. umbrinolutea (Gillet) Bataille. A. pini, A. badia, A. spadicea, A. praetoria, A. ochraceomaculata, A. pachyvolvata, A. simulans, A. simulans f. alba, A. malleata, A. subfraudulenta, A. lividopallescens var. tigrina, A. lividopallescens and A. separata are also investigated with an exhaustive description. A. battarrae and A. umbrinolutea are separated in conformity with the habitat.
Author Fungi Non Delineati raro vel haud perspecte et explorate descripti aut definite picti
Article type Titel
Author Fungi Non Delineati Raro vel Haud Perspecte et Explorate Descripti aut Definite picti
Page image Fungi Non Delineati Raro vel Haud Perspecte et Explorate Descripti aut Definite picti: Pars 51-52. Quelques Especes Nouvelles ou Mal Delimitees d'Amanita de la Sous-section Vaginatinae by Pierre Neville et Serge Poumarat. 2009. col. photogr. illus. (98108) 38.52
Series Title Fungi Non Delineati raro vel haud perspecte et explorate descripti aut definite picti
Series no 51
Manufacturer Candusso Editrice Dr.ssa Lidia Carla Candusso
Price excl. VAT 51,00
US price excl. VAT 54,1
EAN 2240000981086
ISBN 2240000981086
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