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Book ID: (108001)
Singh, Bhim Pratap, Lallawmsanga Chhhakchhuak and Kumar Passari (eds.)

Biology of Macrofungi. 2018. (Fungal Biology Series). 69 (47 col.) figs. X, 450 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.

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Book ID: (114125)
Singh, Lal Ji and Vinay Rnjan (eds.)

New VIstas in Indian Flora. Volume 1. 2021. illus. XVIII, 418 p. gr8vo. Hard cover.

98,44 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
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Book ID: (115757)
Singh, Reeti, Ajay Kumar, Jagdish KUmar Patidar, Pragati Saini, R.K. Pandaya, Ashish Bobade and Radha Gupta

Fungi Classification and Identification. 2021. illus. 210 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.

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