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Book ID: 56415
Somasegaran, P. and H. J. Hoben

Handbook of Rhizobia. Methods in Legume-Rhizobia Technology. 1994.Illustr.XVI,450 p.gr8vo.Hardcover.

This is a compendium of methods for working with rhizobia and theirinteractions with the host legume. Includes dozens of protocols on topics ranging from isolation and maintenance of rhizobia tocontemporary molecular biology methods. The text is grouped in five sections: Microbiology of rhizobia,including isolation, characterizationand enumeration / Strain identification by serological methods,antibiotic markers, and rhizobiophages/ Evaluating the nitrogen-fixingpotential of rhizobia, including fermentor-based culture and theproduction of carrier-based inoculants/ Molecular biology methods forrhizobia.
Author Somasegaran, P. and H. J. Hoben
Article type Titel
Author Somasegaran, P. and H. J. Hoben
Page image Somasegaran, P. and H. J. Hoben: Handbook of Rhizobia. Methods in Legume-Rhizobia Technology. 1994.Illustr.XVI,450 p.gr8vo.Hardcover. (56415) 102.00
Manufacturer Springer Nature, KNR: 300 224 8189 Customer Service Center GmbH Kundenservice Buch
Price excl. VAT 95,33
US price excl. VAT 104,9
EAN 9783540941347
ISBN 9783540941347
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102,00 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
95,33 € excl. VAT (Other buyers)
(104,90 US$)
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