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Book ID: 116670
Daléchamps, Jacques

Historia Generalis Plantarum, in libros XVIII, per certas classes artificiose digesta,haec, plusquam mille imagnibus pülantarum locupletior superioribus, omnes propemodum quae ab antiquis scriptoribus graecis, latinis, arabibus, nominantur; necnon eas quae in Orientis atque Occidentis partibus, ante seculum nostrum imcognitis, repertae fuerunt, tibi exhiber. Habes etiam, earundem plantarum...

... peculiaria diversis nationibus nomina... 2 volumes. 1586-1587. 2711 woodcuts. XIII, 1922 pages, 72 p. indices, 36 p. appendix. Folio. Leather.- In box.

Stafleu, TL2: 1297

Modern full leather binding. Red lables on spine.

Volume 1: Lower right part of the title page and the first 8 pages are lacking, with loss of text. The margins of pages up to 240 are slightly water stained.

Volume 2: Margins slightly water stained.
Author Daléchamps, Jacques
Article type Titel
Author Daléchamps, Jacques
Manufacturer Burdet, Martine
Price excl. VAT 2480,00
US price excl. VAT 2628,8
EAN 9901001166706
ISBN 9901001166706
Current subscription price Nein
Pitchman info Nein
2.653,60 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
2480,00 € excl. VAT (Other buyers)
(2628,80 US$)
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