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Book ID: 98918
Skead, Cuthbert John

Historical plant incidence in southern Africa: A collection of early travel records in southern Africa. Edited by J.C. Manning and N. C. Anthony. 2009. (Strelitzia, 24). illus. XII, 378 p. 4to. Paper bd.

A compilation of extracts from various works by early southern Africantravellers to present a picture of the vegetation as they saw it.
Author Skead, Cuthbert John
Article type Titel
Author Skead, Cuthbert John
Page image Skead, Cuthbert John: Historical plant incidence in southern Africa: A collection of early travel records in southern Africa. Edited by J.C. Manning and N. C. Anthony. 2009. (Strelitzia, 24). illus. XII, 378 p. 4to. Paper bd. (98918) 83.46
Series Title Strelitzia:24
Manufacturer SANBI Bookshop National Herbarium Building
Price excl. VAT 78,00
US price excl. VAT 85,8
EAN 9781919976532
ISBN 9781919976532
Current subscription price Nein
Pitchman info Nein
83,46 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
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