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Book ID: 101221
Hooker, William Jackson

Icones Plantarum. Or, Figures, with Brief Descriptive Caracters and Remarks of New or Rare Plants, Selected from the Author's Herbarium. Vol. 4. 1837-1854. (Reprint 2011). (Cambridge Library Collection). 150 pls. XX p. gr8vo. Paper bd.

This world famous series was begun by Sir William Jackson Hooker(1785-1865) in 1837 and the ten volumes reissued here were producedunder his authorship until 1854. Each volume contains 100 linedrawings of plants, accompanied by a full Latin description with notesin English on habitat and significant features.
Author Hooker, William Jackson
Article type Titel
Author Hooker, William Jackson
Page image Hooker, William Jackson: Icones Plantarum. Or, Figures, with Brief Descriptive Caracters and Remarks of New or Rare Plants, Selected from the Author's Herbarium. Vol. 4. 1837-1854. (Reprint 2011). (Cambridge Library Collection). 150 pls. XX p. gr8vo. Paper bd. (101221) 18.73
Manufacturer Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building Account number 0060026093
Price excl. VAT 17,50
US price excl. VAT 19,3
EAN 9781108039246
ISBN 9781108039246
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18,73 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
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