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Book ID: 85802
Didukh, Maryna, Solomon P. Wasser and Eviatar Nevo

Impact of the Family Agaricaceae (Fr.)Cohn on Nutrition and Medicine. Edited by A. Volz. 2004. (Biodiversity of Cyanoprokaryotes, Algae and Fungi of Israel). 22 (partly col.) figs. 205 p. gr8vo. Hardcover. (ISBN 978-3-906166-19-3)

Highlights practical applications of Agaricaceae (Fr.) Cohn species considering nutritional and medicinal values. Distangles also the complicated taxonomic background of Agaricus brasiliensis S. Wasser et al., formerly known as Agaricus blazei Murrill sensu Heinem.

Contents: Introduction/ Nutritional Value (Moisture content/ Protein and amino acids/ Carbohydrates and dietary fiber/ Fat/ Vitamins/ Minerals and trace elements/ Processing/ Post - harvest storage/ Conclusions)/ Medicinal Value (Tribe Agariceae Pat./ Genus Agaricus L.: Fr. emend. P. Karst./ Agaricus brasiliensis S. Wasser et al.:Taxonomic background, cultivation techniques, substrates for fruiting, growth parameters/ Medicinal Properties: Antitumor activity/ Antiviral activity/ Antigenotoxic and antimutagenic activity/ Antioxidant activity/ Immunomodulatory activity)/ Agaricus Campestris L.Fr./ Agaricusbisporus (J.Lge.) Imbach/ Agaricus semotus Fr./ Agaricus arvensis Schaeff.: Secr./ Agaricus xanthoderma Gen./ Agaricus placomyces Peck./Agaricus subrutilescens (Kauffm.) Hots. et Stuntz/ Genus Melanophyllum Vel./ Tribe Leucocoprineae Singer/ Genus Chlorophyllum Mass./ Genus Leucocoprinus Pat./ Genus Leucoagaricus (Locq.) Singer/ Tribe Lepioteae Fay./ Genus Lepiota (Pers.:Fr.) S.F.Gray/ Conclusions/ Appendix I: Dietary supplements from medicinal mushrooms: variety of regulations/ Appendix II: Safety and diversity of dietary supplement types from medicinal mushrooms/ Appendix III: Dietary supplements from the Agaricales species/ References/ Index of taxa.
Author Didukh, Maryna, Solomon P. Wasser and Eviatar Nevo
Article type Titel
Author Didukh, Maryna, Solomon P. Wasser and Eviatar Nevo
Page image Didukh, Maryna, Solomon P. Wasser and Eviatar Nevo: Impact of the Family Agaricaceae (Fr.)Cohn on Nutrition and Medicine. Edited by A. Volz. 2004. (Biodiversity of Cyanoprokaryotes, Algae and Fungi of Israel). 22 (partly col.) figs. 205 p. gr8vo. Hardcover. (85802) 68.00 (ISBN 978-3-906166-19-3)
Series Title Biodiversity of Cyanoprokaryotes, Algae and Fungi of Israel
Manufacturer Koeltz Botanical Books
Price excl. VAT 63,55
US price excl. VAT 67,4
EAN 9783906166193
ISBN 9783906166193
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68,00 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
63,55 € excl. VAT (Other buyers)
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