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Book ID: 6115
Kew Record of Taxonomic Literature

Volume 1 (for 1971). 1974. approx. 400 p.4to.

The Kew Record of Taxonomic Literature is intended to fulfil the needfor a unified comprehensive coverage of the world's taxonomicliterature. It is to be an annual publication listing all articles,books and papers relating to the taxonomy of vascular plants, and willinclude all new names at every rank with the exception of cultivars.All papers relevant to the taxonomy, in a broad sense, of floweringplants, gymnosperms and ferns have been included, but those inrelated fields such as pure genetics, cytology, and physiology haveusually been omitted. Entries are arranged, wherever possible, insystematic groups, with more general papers contained in sections onnomenclature,chromosome surveys, chemotaxonomy, anatomy and morphology,palynology, embryology, and reproductive biology. Sections are alsoincluded on bibliography, personalia, and botanical institutions, andthere is a large section on floristics. Volume 1 covers 1971 andcontains some 13000 references.
Author Kew Record of Taxonomic Literature
Article type Titel
Author Kew Record of Taxonomic Literature
Page image Kew Record of Taxonomic Literature: Volume 1 (for 1971). 1974. approx. 400 p.4to. (6115) 38.52
Manufacturer Kew Publishing Royal Botanic Gardens Publication Sales
Price excl. VAT 36,00
US price excl. VAT 39,6
EAN 2240000061153
ISBN 2240000061153
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38,52 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
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