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Book ID: 21560

Key Environments:Western Mediterranean.1985.tabs. illustr.IX,363 p.gr8vo.Cloth.

Second hand copy in good condition.-Contents: Introduction to the Mediterranean/ Evolution of theMediterranean Basins and a Detail Reconstruction of the CenozoicPaleoceanography/ The Driving Machine/ Physics of the Sea/ Chemistryof Mediterranean Waters/ Life and the Productivity of the Open Sea/History of the Mediterranean Biota and the Colonization of the Depths/Diving in Blue Water. The Benthos/ Fishes and Fishermen. The ExploitableTrophics Levels/ The Footprints of Life and of Man.
Author Margalef,Ramon(ed.)
Article type Titel
Author Margalef,Ramon(ed.)
Page image Margalef,Ramon(ed.): Key Environments:Western Mediterranean.1985.tabs. illustr.IX,363 p.gr8vo.Cloth. (21560) 87.74
Manufacturer C. van den Hoek
Price excl. VAT 82,00
US price excl. VAT 90,2
EAN 2240000215600
ISBN 2240000215600
Current subscription price Nein
Pitchman info Nein
87,74 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
82,00 € excl. VAT (Other buyers)
(90,20 US$)
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