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Book ID: 89028
Wasser, Solomon and Eviatar Nevo (eds.)

Lichen - Forming, Lichenicolous and Allied Fungi of Israel. 2005. (Biodiversity of Cyanoprokaryotes, Algae and Fungi of Israel). 25 coloured plates (= 150 col. photogr.). Many distrib. maps. 384 p. gr8vo. Hardcover. (ISBN 978-3-906166-41-4)

The sixth volume in the series 'Biodiversity of Cyanoprokaryotes,Algae and Fungi of Israel' is a critical inventory of recent species diversity of lichen - forming, lichenicolous, and allied fungi found in Israel up to 2005 and includes 112 genera, 335 species, and infra-specific taxa. One hundred species are recorded for the first time for Israel. For each species, the information given provides synonyms,descriptions, data on habitat, distribution in Israel and worldwide,with references to relevant literature. A brief outline of the history of the lichenological survey of Israel is presented. A preliminary analysis of the Israeli lichen forming, lichenicolous, and allied fungal diversity is given.
Author Wasser, Solomon and Eviatar Nevo (eds.)
Article type Titel
Author Wasser, Solomon and Eviatar Nevo (eds.)
Page image Wasser, Solomon and Eviatar Nevo (eds.): Lichen - Forming, Lichenicolous and Allied Fungi of Israel. 2005. (Biodiversity of Cyanoprokaryotes, Algae and Fungi of Israel). 25 coloured plates (= 150 col. photogr.). Many distrib. maps. 384 p. gr8vo. Hardcover. (89028) 92.00 (ISBN 978-3-906166-41-4)
Series Title Biodiversity of Cyanoprokaryotes, Algae and Fungi of Israel
Manufacturer Koeltz Botanical Books
Price excl. VAT 85,98
US price excl. VAT 91,1
EAN 9783906166414
ISBN 9783906166414
Current subscription price Nein
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92,00 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
85,98 € excl. VAT (Other buyers)
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