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Book ID: 90255
Wasser, Solomon P., Ivan V. Zmitrovich, Maryna Ya. Didukh, Wjatcheslav A. SPIRIN, VERA F. MALYSHEVA

Morphological Traits of Ganoderma lucidum Complex highlighting G. Tsugae var. janniei: The Current Generalization. Edited by Eviatar Nevo. 2006. illus. (Col. figs, SEM - micrographs, line drawings). 187 p. 4to. Hardcover. (ISBN 978-3-906166-49-0)

This book is devoted to the Ganoderma lucidum complex (Ganodermataceae,Polyporales) with special attention to the G. tsugae lineage of thiscomplex. The book provides a review of species subdivision concepts inG. lucidum complex with special attention to the conifer - inhabitingspecies, as with G. tsugae, G. valesiacum, and G. carnosum. Alltaxonomically valued, essential morphological structures are discussed.SEM researches show that spores in the G. tsugae lineage sharply differfrom those in the G. lucidum conglomerate (incl. G. lucidum var.carnosum and G. lucidum var. valesiacum). A species key and descriptionsof taxa of the G. lucidum complex, distributed in subtropical andtemperate area of the Northern Hemisphere, are given. Special attention was also paid to Chinese material of G. tsugae, which wasattributed to an independent variety - G. tsguae. var. janniei, dueto its deviating features in basidiocarp construction and basidiosporemorphology. Because this material represents a new perspective tobiotechnology, a special chapter of this book is devoted to reviewingtoday's knowledge on bioactive substances of G. lucidum s.str.
Author Wasser, Solomon P., Ivan V. Zmitrovich, Maryna Ya. Didukh, Wjatcheslav A. SPIRIN, VERA F. MALYSHEVA
Article type Titel
Author Wasser, Solomon P., Ivan V. Zmitrovich, Maryna Ya. Didukh, Wjatcheslav A. SPIRIN, VERA F. MALYSHEVA
Page image Wasser, Solomon P., Ivan V. Zmitrovich, Maryna Ya. Didukh, Wjatcheslav A. SPIRIN, VERA F. MALYSHEVA: Morphological Traits of Ganoderma lucidum Complex highlighting G. Tsugae var. janniei: The Current Generalization. Edited by Eviatar Nevo. 2006. illus. (Col. figs, SEM - micrographs, line drawings). 187 p. 4to. Hardcover. (90255) 31.00 (ISBN 978-3-906166-49-0)
Manufacturer Koeltz Botanical Books
Price excl. VAT 28,97
US price excl. VAT 30,7
EAN 9783906166490
ISBN 9783906166490
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