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Book ID: 48175
Kew Record of Taxonomic Literature for 1991

No.4.1992.VI,p.275-373.4to. Paper bd.

Author Kew Record of Taxonomic Literature for 1991
Article type Titel
Author Kew Record of Taxonomic Literature for 1991
Page image Kew Record of Taxonomic Literature for 1991: No.4.1992.VI,p.275-373.4to. Paper bd.(48175) 43.87
Manufacturer The Stationery Office Ltd.
Price excl. VAT 41,00
US price excl. VAT 45,1
EAN 2240000481753
ISBN 2240000481753
Current subscription price Nein
Pitchman info Nein
43,87 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
41,00 € excl. VAT (Other buyers)
(45,10 US$)
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