Book ID: 44047
OLIVER, Chadwick Dearing and Bruce C.LARSON
Forest Stand Dynamics.1990. (Biological Resource Management Series). illustr. XX,467 p. gr8vo. Hard cover.
As demands on the forest have been increasing for timber production,wildlife habitat, water protection, recreation, and protection from fire, insects, and disease, so has the need for site-specific treatments. The book describes the different stand development patterns:"even-aged" and "uneven-aged", single and mixed species, stand edges,"gaps" and "clumps". The distinctive traits of each are thoroughlyprofiled. This remarkable reference features: Detailed descriptions ofthe impact of such disturbances as wind, fire and floods; the effectsand importance of site preparation, planting, thinning, and othersilvicultural operations; commonalities and differences of developmentpatterns in forests in all regions of North America and elsewhere; thelink between quantification and the biological understanding of forestgrowth; landscape and regional patternns and changes in forests. Thisvolume provides a comprehensive account of the most advanced scientificinformation available on the processes of forest stand dynamics. You will be able to predict local and regional forest growth and change,planforest manipulations successfully, plan for regional changes in foreststructures, products, and demands.