Book ID: 110926
Karlsson, Henrik and Emma Tinnert
Orkidéer pa Gotland. 2021. illus. 121 p. Hardcover. - Swedish, with Latin nomenclature.
Gotland is Sweden's foremost orchid landscape. Of Sweden's approximately 55 species and subspecies of orchids, as many as 40 species and subspecies can be found on Gotland in such widely differing environments as alvar plains, coastal meadows, deciduous forests and in many different types of marshes.
The book Orchids on Gotland presents the different orchids together with information about the ecology of the plants, the flowering times of the different species for Gotland and about several exciting interactions with organisms in nature. The threat to the protected orchids is also addressed. As it is one species per page and the book is printed in a convenient format, Gotland's orchids are a perfect field guide.