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Book ID: (116147)
Franz, Wilfried R, T. Köstl, C. Keusch und O. Stöhr

Rore Liste gefährdeter Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Kärntens. 2023. illus. (col.) 128 S. 4to Hardcover.

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Book ID: (105839)
Fraser - Jenkins, C. R., D. R. Kandal and S. Pariyar

Ferns and Fern - Allies of Nepal. Volume 1. 2015. 509 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.

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Book ID: (110779)
Fraser - Jenkins, C.R., K. N. Gandhi , B. S. Kholia and D. R. Kandel

An annotated checklist of Indian Pteridophytes. Vol. 3: Lomariopsidaceae and Salviniaceae. 2020. VIII, 450 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.

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Book ID: (115379)
Fraser - Jenkins, C.R., S. Matsumoto, Sagun Pariyar and Phuntsho Wangdi

Pteridophytes of Bhutan. A taxonomic enumeration. 2023. 338 col. photogr. VI, 610 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.

148,73 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
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