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Book ID: 89776
Abramova, A. L. and Tsog Tsegmed

Rare and interesting species of mosses of Mongolia. 2005. Some line-figs. 130 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.- In Russian, with Latin nomenclature.

Eleven articles, dedicated to Anastasiya Lavrentievna Abramova on her 90th birthday.
Author Abramova, A. L. and Tsog Tsegmed
Article type Titel
Author Abramova, A. L. and Tsog Tsegmed
Page image Abramova, A. L. and Tsog Tsegmed: Rare and interesting species of mosses of Mongolia. 2005. Some line-figs. 130 p. gr8vo. Paper bd. -In Russian, with Latin nomenclature. (89776) 27.82
Manufacturer Tsegmed, Tsogiin
Price excl. VAT 26,00
US price excl. VAT 28,6
EAN 9789992981696
ISBN 9789992981696
Current subscription price Nein
Pitchman info Nein
27,82 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
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