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Book ID: 26487
ROM, Roy and Robert F.CARLSON (eds.)

Rootstocks for Fruit Crops. 1987. illustr. X,494 p. gr8vo. Cloth.

Contents: Introduction, Roy C.Rom/ Roots, Roy C.Rom/ Propagation, BrianH.Howard/ Compatibility and Stock-Scion Interactions as Related toDwarfing, Roy K.Simons/ Apple Rootstocks, David C.Ferree and Robert F.Carlson/ Pear Rootstocks, Porter B.Lombard and Melvin N.Westwood/ PeachRootstocks, Richard E.C.Layne/ Cherry Rootstocks, Ronald L.Perry/Almond Rootstocks, Dale E.Kester and Charles Grasselly/ ApricotRootstocks, P.Crossa-Raynaud and J.M.Audergon/ Plum Rootstocks, WilliamR.Okie/ Citrus Rootstocks, William S.Castle/ Pecan Rootstocks, J.DanHanna/ Juglans Rootstocks, Gale H. McGranaham and Peter B.Catlin/ VitisRootstocks, Gordon S.Howell/ Index. - It is now commonly accepted amongpomologists that a deep understanding of the nature, uses and availability of rootstocks is essential to fertile fruit and vinegrowingsystems. Rootstocks for Fruit Crops provides all the information neededto understand rootstocks as they are utilized in temperate tree fruitcrops, as well as in citrus and grapes. As such it is the only availablecompendium of the latest information on the subject.
Author ROM, Roy and Robert F.CARLSON (eds.)
Article type Titel
Author ROM, Roy and Robert F.CARLSON (eds.)
Page image ROM, Roy and Robert F.CARLSON (eds.): Rootstocks for Fruit Crops. 1987. illustr. X,494 p. gr8vo. Cloth. (26487) 57.78
Manufacturer John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Account 01278G0/0001 billing account 01278G00000
Price excl. VAT 54,00
US price excl. VAT 59,4
EAN 2240000264875
ISBN 2240000264875
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Pitchman info Nein
57,78 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
54,00 € excl. VAT (Other buyers)
(59,40 US$)
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