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Book ID: 105422
Roy, R. K.

Ornamental Trees of India. Identification, description and landscape use. 2015. illus. XXVI, 452 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.

Contents (chapter headings); Introduction/ Evolution and History/Social, Cultural, Religious Connection and Heritage Trees/ Classification/ Systematic Position and Structural Parts/ FloweringCycles of Trees in India/ Conservation Status and Legal Aspects/Migration of Ornamental Trees in India/ Tree Identification,Bar - coding and Carbon Dating/ Tree Nursery and Plkantation Technique/Care and Maintenance/ Landscsape Use/ Descriptor of Ornamental Trees/Curious Trees of the World/ Ornamental Trees for Landscaping/ Index ofBotanical Names/ Useful Websites.
Author Roy, R. K.
Article type Titel
Author Roy, R. K.
Page image Roy, R. K.: Ornamental Trees of India. Identification, description and landscape use. 2015. illus. XXVI, 452 p. gr8vo. Hardcover. 104.86 (105422)
Manufacturer D.K.Agencies A/15-17, D.K.Avenue Mohan Garden Najafgarh Road 110059 New Delhi
Price excl. VAT 98,00
US price excl. VAT 107,8
EAN 9788171328000
ISBN 9788171328000
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104,86 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
98,00 € excl. VAT (Other buyers)
(107,80 US$)
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