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Book ID: 111
Simonsen, Reimer (ed.)

2nd Symposium on Recent and Fossil Marine Diatoms,London,September 1972.L.1973.(Nova Hedwig.,Beih.45).97 plates. 20 figs.409 p.gr8vo.Paper bd. (ISBN 978-3-7682-5445-8)

Contents:G.R.Hasle:Some Marine Plankton Genera of the Diatom FamilyThalassiosiraceae/G.A.Fryxell and G.R.Hasle: Coscinodiscaceae:SomeConsistent Patterns in Diatom Morphology/R.Ross and P.A Sims:Observations on Family and Generic Limits in the Centrales/R.M.Crawford:The Structure and Formation of the Siliceous Wall of the Diatom Melosiranummuloides (Dillw.) Ag./R.Simonsen and H.-J.Schrader:On the Fine Structure of the Centric Diatom Craspedoporus elegans Grove et Sturt/G.R.Boalch:The Type Material of the Diatom Genus Bacteriastrum Shadbolt/G.R.Hasle:The 'Mucliage Pore' of Pennate Diatoms/H.-J.Schrader:Types ofRaphe Structures in the Diatoms/G.W.Andrews:Systematic Position and Stratigraphic Significance of the Marine Miocene Diatom Raphidodiscusmarylandicus Christian/J.C.Lewin:Blooms of Surf-zone Diatoms along the coast of the Olympic Peninsula,Washington.III.Changes in the Species Composition of the Blooms since 1925/D.Koenig:Subfossil Diatoms in a Former Tidal Region of the Eider(Schleswig-Holstein)/M.-R.Plante-Cuny:The Size of Diatoms Living in Submerged Tropical Marine Sands/N.I.Hendey:Some Benthic Diatoms from the Coast of Cornwall in the Neighbourhood of Porthleven/A.P.Jouse:Diatoms in the Oligocene-Miocene Biostratigraphic Zones of the Tropical Areas of the Pacific Ocean/M.Hajos:Faciological and Stratigraphic Importance of the Miocene Diatoms in Hungary/W.W.Wornardt:Correlation of the Neostratotype of the Messinian Stage Capodarso and Pasquasia Sections Based on Diatoms/H.-J.Schrader:Proposal for a Standardized Method of Clearing Diatom-bearing Deep-sea and Land-exposed Marine Sediments.
Author Simonsen, Reimer (ed.)
Article type Titel
Author Simonsen, Reimer (ed.)
Page image Simonsen, Reimer (ed.): 2nd Symposium on Recent and Fossil Marine Diatoms,London,September 1972.L.1973.(Nova Hedwig.,Beih.45).97 plates. 20 figs.409 p.gr8vo.Paper bd.(111) 128.00 (ISBN 978-3-7682-5445-8)
Series Title Diatom Symposia
Series no 2
Manufacturer Koeltz Botanical Books
Price excl. VAT 119,63
US price excl. VAT 126,8
EAN 2240000001111
ISBN 2240000001111
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