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Book ID: 106445
Stahl, Peter

Gästriklands Flora. 2016. illus. (col. &b/w). 768 p. Hardcover. - In Swedish.

Gästrikland is a historical province or landscape on the eastern coast of Sweden.

For the first time, you can now read learn about the nature, geology and history of this landscape in a book, focusing on all the wild plant species of the landscape. The book has over 750 pages and contains many beautiful colour photographs, beautiful drawings and informative texts for each species.

The project started in 1990 and during more than 15 field seasons we inventoried the flora in all parts of the landscape. Many people have participated in the inventory. In total, about five full working years have been spent on the field work. We made about 315,000 species records from more than 30,000 plant localities. With the inventory data from the Torsåker flora inventory and older (pre-1980) find data from writings and herbariums, the total number of finds in the database now amounts to about 356,000 species.
Author Stahl, Peter
Article type Titel
Author Stahl, Peter
Page image Stahl, Peter: Gästriklands Flora. 2016. illus.(col. &b/w). 768 p. Hardcover. - In Swedish. (106445) 74.90
Manufacturer Svenska Botaniska Föreningen
Price excl. VAT 70,00
US price excl. VAT 77,0
EAN 9789198052657
ISBN 9789198052657
Current subscription price Nein
Pitchman info Nein
74,90 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
70,00 € excl. VAT (Other buyers)
(77,00 US$)
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