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Book ID: 79363
Lange - Bertalot - Festschrift

Studies on Diatoms. Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Horst Lange - Bertalot on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday. Edited by Regine Jahn, John P. Kociolek, Andrzej Witkowski and Pierre Compère. 2001. 3 coloured plates. 120 b/w photogr. plates 633 p. gr8vo. Hardcover. (ISBN 978-3-904144-26-1)

Out of print. Second hand copy. -Contents: Krammer, K.: Taxonomie und Morphologie von Brevisira arentii(Kolbe) Krammer gen. nov., comb. nov./ Kusel - Fetzmann,E. & A. Losert:Cyclotella fottii Hustedt aus dem Ohrid See (Albanien / Mazedonien)und ihre Abgrenzung zu ähnlichen fossilen Cyclotellen/ Rott, E., H. J.Kling & T. Perez: Planktonic centric diatoms from the volcanic LakeTaal, Philippines/ Hernandez-Becerril,D.U. & J. A. Aké-Castillo:Morphological study of two marine planktonic diatoms of the genus Chaetoceros: C. anastomosans and C. costatus/ Strelnikova,N.I., E. Fourtanier, J.P. Kociolek & J.A. Barron: Ultrastructure studies of Coscinodiscus and Cestodiscus species from the Eocene and Oligocene/Compère, P.: Ulnaria (Kützing) Compère, a new genus name for Fragillaria subgen. Alterasynedra Lange - Bertalot with comments on the typification of Synedra Ehrenberg/ Williams, D.M.: Comments on the structure of 'post-auxospore' valves of Fragilariforma virescens/Mayama, S.: Valuable taxonomic characters in the valve mantle and girdle of some Eunotia species/ Kociolek, J.P., D. Lyon & S. Spaulding:Revision of the South American species of Actinella/ Denys, L. &W. van Bonn: A second species in the epizoic diatom genus Epipellis:E. heptunei sp. nov./ Cocquyt, C.: Notes on Cymatopleura calcarata Hustedt, an endemic diatom from Lake Tanganyika/Reichardt, E.: Revision der Arten um Gomphonema truncatum und G.capitatum/ Mann, D. G.: The systematics of the Sellaphora pupulacomplex: typification of S. pupula/ Wolfe, A.P. & H.J.Kling: Aconsideration of some North American soft-water Brachysira taxa and description of B.arctoborealis sp. nov./ Idei,M. & S. Mayama:Pinnularia acidojaponica M. Idei et H. Kobayasi sp. nov. and P.valdetolerans Mayama et H. Kobayasi sp. nov. - new diatoms from Japanese extreme environments/ Jordan, R. W.: Taxonomy, morphology and distribution of two Pinnularia species from acid lakes and rivers in Yamagata and Miyagi Prefectures, Northeast Japan/ Cox, E.J.: What constitutes a stauros? A morphogenetic perspective/ Round, F.E.:Morphology of Navicula sensu stricto - an ecologist's perspective/ Tolotti; M.: Littoral diatom communities in high mountain lakes of the Adamello-Brenta Regional Park (Trentino/ Italy) and their relation to acidification/ Cantonati, M.: The diatom communities of the liverwortChiloscyphus polyanthos var. rivularis in a mountain spring-fed streamin the Adamello - Brenta Regional Park, Northern Italy/ Werum, M.:Diatomeen in Quellen hessischer Mittelgebirge - Gefährdung nach Roter Liste in Korrelation zu anthropogenen Eingriffen und Geologie/Raeder,U. & L. B. Busse: Composition and development of episammic diatoms in an oligotrophic lake ( Lake Lustsee, Germany) under natural conditionsand under artificial phosphate supply using enclosure experiments/Hürlimann,J., F. Elber, K. Niederberger, F. Straub, A. Stöckli & P.Niederhauser: Historische Kieselalgenproben als biologische Referenzen zur Bewertung von Fliessgewässern des Schweizer Mittellandes - Out of print. Second hand copy. - naturalconditionsand under artificial phosphate supply using enclosure experiments/Hürlimann,J., F. Elber, K. Niederberger, F. Straub, A. Stöckli & P.Niederhauser: Historische Kieselalgenproben als biologische Referenzenzur Bewertung von Fliessgewässern des Schweizer Mittellandes...

Second hand copy Out of print.
Author Lange - Bertalot - Festschrift
Article type Titel
Author Lange - Bertalot - Festschrift
Page image Lange - Bertalot - Festschrift: Studies on Diatoms. Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Horst Lange - Bertalot on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday. Edited by Regine Jahn, John P. Kociolek, Andrzej Witkowski and Pierre Compère. 2001. 3 coloured plates. 120 b/w photogr. plates 633 p. gr8vo. Hardcover. (79363) 110.00 (ISBN 978-3-904144-26-1)
Manufacturer Roland Bengtsson
Price excl. VAT 102,80
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EAN 9783904144261
ISBN 9783904144261
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