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Book ID: 116678
Kramer, Joannis Georgii Henrici

Tentamen Botanicum Emendatum & Auctum sive Methodus Rivino - Tournefortiana Emendata & Aucta, Cognoscendi Omnes Plantas faccillime, easque proprio suo nomine appellandi absque ulla antegressa alia informatione ex flore & fructu, florisque situ, figura primaria & secundaria, florendique & FRuctificandi mo & loco natali, omisso etiam florendi tempore, a Botaicis Septentrionalibus in suo climate...

... ferotino,... Viennae Austriae 1744.. 176 figs on 3 engraved plates (uncoloured). 150 p. & 1 page " Tabula Hieraciorum ramoforim Tabulae 77. appendada, secundum observationes & mentem Vaillantians...".

Modern halfleather binding. Good condition. This is the second much enlarged edition of the book from 1827.

Not listed in Stafleu, TL2.
Author Kramer, Joannis Georgii Henrici
Article type Titel
Author Kramer, Joannis Georgii Henrici
Manufacturer Burdet, Hervé
Price excl. VAT 820,00
US price excl. VAT 902,0
EAN 9901001166782
ISBN 9901001166782
Current subscription price Nein
Pitchman info Nein
877,40 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
820,00 € excl. VAT (Other buyers)
(902,00 US$)
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