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Book ID: 7910

The Genus Euryops. Part 1: Taxonomy. 1968. (Opera Botanica, 20). 64 figs. 409 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.

This treatise is based on the material preserved in 47 of the foremostEuropean and African herbaria as well as on the authors own field studies during 2 years in Southern Africa. - Contents: Introduction (Aimand Scope of the Present Work/ Etymology and Gender of the Generic Name/Material/ Methods/ Taxonomic Concepts)/ Historical Outline/ Morphological Terminology and Characters of Taxonomic Importance/Delimitation of the Genus/ Euryops (Cass.) Cass. emend. B.Nord., emend.nov. (Key to the Sections/ Sect. I. Angustifoliae S. Moore emend. B.Nord., emend.nov./ Sect. II. Euryops/ Sect. III. Chrysops B. Nord., sect.nov./ Sect. IV. Brachypus B.Nord., sect.nov./ Sect. V. Psilosteum(DC.) B.Nord., comb.nov./ Sect. VI. Leptorrhiza B. Nord., sect.nov./ Taxa to be Excluded)/ Literature Cited/ Index of Numbered Collections/Index of Taxa. - Good second hand copy.
Author NORDENSTAM, Bertil
Article type Titel
Author NORDENSTAM, Bertil
Page image NORDENSTAM, Bertil: The Genus Euryops. Part 1: Taxonomy. 1968. (Opera Botanica, 20). 64 figs. 409 p. gr8vo. Paper bd. (7910) 25.68
Manufacturer Bertil Nordenstam
Price excl. VAT 24,00
US price excl. VAT 26,4
EAN 2240000079103
ISBN 2240000079103
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25,68 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
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