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Book ID: 35897

The Silviculture of Indian Trees. Volume 4: Leguminosae. 4th revised and enlarged edition. 1999. 144 figs.XII,345 p.Hardcover.

Contents: Mimosoideae (Acacia/ Adenanthera/ Albizia/ Calliandra/Dichrostachys/ Leucaena/ Mimosa/ Parkia/ Indopiptadenia/ Pithecellobium/Prosopis/ Samanea/ Xylia)/ Caesalpinioideae (Acrocarpus/ Amherstia/Bauhinia/ Caesalpinia/ Cassia/ Colvillea/ Cynometra/ Delonix/ Dialium/Gleditsia/ Hardwickia/ Humboldtia/ Intsia/ Kingiodendron/ Parkinsonia/Peltophorum/ Saraca/ Tamarindus)/ Papilionioideae (Lotoideae) (Butea/Dalibergia/ Derris/ Erythrina/ Millettia/ Ormosia/ Ougeinia/ Pongamia/Pterocarpus/ Robinia/ Sesbania/ Sophora).
Author TROUP, R.S.
Article type Titel
Author Troup, R.S.
Page image TROUP, R.S.: The Silviculture of Indian Trees. Volume 4: Leguminosae. 4th revised and enlarged edition. 1999. 144 figs.XII,345 p.Hardcover. (35897) 81.32
Manufacturer Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh Booksellers 23 A Connaught Place 248001 Dehradun INDIEN
Price excl. VAT 76,00
US price excl. VAT 80,6
EAN 2240000358970
ISBN 2240000358970
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