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Book ID: 48802
Kung, Shain-dow and Ray Wu (eds.)

Transgenic Plants. 2 vols. 1992. Illustr.XLVII,648 p.gr8vo.Cloth.

Assembles important information on transgenic cropswhich has appeared scattered in many different publications. These twovolumes are a significant milestone in plant/agricultural biology,promote the practical application of recombinant DNA technology and assist in transforming the agricultural industry. Volume 1: Engineeringand Utilization. Contents (partly): S.-d.Kung, Introduction: From HybridPlants to Transgenic Plants. Basic Techniques for Engineering TransgenicPlants: F.F.White, Vectors for Gene Transfer in Higher Plants/ S.B.Gelvin, Molecular Genetics of T-DNA Transfer from Agrobacterium to Plants/ etc./ Transgenic Plants and Basic Research: F.-Y.Tsai and G.M.Coruzzi, Transgenic Plants for Studying Genes Encoding Amino AcidBiosynthetic Enzymes/ etc./ Transgenic Plants and Crop Improvement:M.A.W.Hinchee, S.R.Padgette, G.M.Kishore, X.Delannay, and R.T.Fraley,Herbicide-Tolerant Crops/ R.Broglie, K.Broglie, D.Roby, and I.Chet, Production of Transgenic Plants with Enhanced Resistance to MicrobialPathogens/ Volume 2: Present Status and Social and Economic Impacts.Contents (partly): Transgenic Monocotyledonous Plants/ TransgenicDicotyledonous Plants/ Social and Economic Impact of Transgenic Plants/Concluding Remarks.
Author Kung, Shain-dow and Ray Wu (eds.)
Article type Titel
Author Kung, Shain-dow and Ray Wu (eds.)
Page image Kung, Shain-dow and Ray Wu (eds.): Transgenic Plants. 2 vols. 1992. Illustr.XLVII,648 p.gr8vo.Cloth.(48802) 154.08
Manufacturer Academic Press, Inc. (London) High Street
Price excl. VAT 144,00
US price excl. VAT 152,6
EAN 2240000488028
ISBN 2240000488028
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Pitchman info Nein
154,08 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
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