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Book ID: 56430
Solomon, Allen M. and Herman H. Shugart

Vegetation Dynamics and Global Change. 1993. figs.(some col.). tabs. XII,338 p. gr8vo. Cloth.

The response of forests to global climate changes is one of the mosthotly contested issues in the greenhouse effect debate. This volumeintroduces ecologists, environmental scientists, foresters and earthscientists to the models which describe the function of forests and their rate of change. Special attention is paid to the importance ofscale in global studies. The chapters range from physiological phenomenatypically measured at small scale to stand dynamics of forests,large-scale models of forest dynamics, the reconstruction of forestvegetation as a means of understanding current global change, and therole of forests in the global carbon cycle.
Author Solomon, Allen M. and Herman H. Shugart
Article type Titel
Author Solomon, Allen M. and Herman H. Shugart
Page image Solomon, Allen M. and Herman H. Shugart: Vegetation Dynamics and Global Change. 1993. figs.(some col.). tabs. XII,338 p. gr8vo. Cloth. 57.00 (56430)
Manufacturer Kluwer Academic Publishers Group B.V. Sales Department
Price excl. VAT 53,27
US price excl. VAT 58,6
EAN 9780412036712
ISBN 9780412036712
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57,00 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
53,27 € excl. VAT (Other buyers)
(58,60 US$)
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