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Book ID: 105828
Regnum Vegetabile

Volume 158: Hörandl, Elvira and Marc Appelhans(eds.): Next-Generation Sequencing in Plant Systematics. 2015. 9 col. pls. VI, 294 p. gr8vo. Hardcover. (ISBN 978-3-87429-492-8)

The rapid development of technologies targeting at the analysis ofgenomic resources (next - generation sequencing) has revolutionizedbiological sciences. For biological systematics and biodiversityresearch, the application of molecular markers has opened new avenuesfor understanding phylogeny, evolution and functions, for discoveringand classifying biodiversity. Nowadays, NGS technologies offer noveltools for increasing both quantity and quality of molecular data.The applicability to non - model organisms provides links to molecularbiology and plant breeding. This volume reviews current issues in theapplication of NGS technologies in phylogenetic, evolutionary,biodiversity and population genetic studies. The focus is on plants,but most chapters also address animals and fungi. After a briefintroduction, the topics contributed by international experts includeorganellar genomics, transcriptome sequencing for phylogenetic studies,polyploid genomes, asexual genome evolution, repetitive DNA,restriction site associated DNA (RADseq), microsattelite discovery,NGS on plant herbarium tissues. The focus on methodologies is ofinterest for advanced students, researchers and scientific lecturersin all fields of biology. The book will be of special interest forreserachers in plant systematics, plant evolutionary biology,population generics, biodiversity research, conservation genetics, andplant breeding.The focus of the contributions is on casestudies on non - model organisms, for which completely sequencedreference genomes are usually not yet available. -Contents: Elvira Hörandl & Marc Appelhans: Introduction to chaptersand methodological overview/ Susann Wicke & Gerald M. Schneeweiss:Next - generation organellar genomics: Potentials and pitfalls ofhigh - throughput technologies for molecular evolutionarystudies and plant systematics/ Jun Wen, Ashley N. Egan, Rebecca B.Diekow & Elizabeth A. Zimmer: Utility of transcriptome sequencing forphylogenetic inference of character evolution/ Armel Salmon & MalikaAinouche: Next - generation sequencing and the challenge ofdeciphering evolution of recent and highly polyploid genomes/ DiegoHojsgaard, M. Pellino, T. Sharbel & E. Hörandl: Resolving genomeevolution patterns in asexual plants/ Hanna Weiss - Schneeweiss, AndrewR. Leitch, Jamie McCann, Tae - Soo Jang & Jiri Macas: Employing nextgeneration sequencing to explore the repeat landscape of the plantgenome/ Richard H. Ree and Andrew L. Hipp: Inferring phylogenetichistory from restriction site associated DNA (RADseq)/ Kurt Weising,Tina Wöhrmann & Bruno Huettel: The use of high - throughput DNAsequencing for microsattelite discovery in plants/ Fred T. Bakker:DNA sequences from plant herbarium tissue.
Author Regnum Vegetabile
Article type Titel
Author Regnum Vegetabile
Page image Regnum Vegetabile: Volume 158: Hörandl, Elvira and Marc Appelhans(eds.): Next-Generation Sequencing in Plant Systematics. 2015. 9 col. pls. VI, 294 p. gr8vo. Hardcover. (105828) 79.00 (ISBN 978-3-87429-492-8)
Series Title Regnum Vegetabile
Series no 158
Manufacturer Koeltz Botanical Books
Price excl. VAT 73,83
US price excl. VAT 78,3
EAN 2240001058282
ISBN 2240001058282
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79,00 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
73,83 € excl. VAT (Other buyers)
(78,30 US$)
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