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Book ID: 110259
Cahiers de Braun -Blanquetia. Monographies de cartographie géobotanique.

Volume 4: Pedrotti, Franco and Edmir Murrja: Cartografia delle Vegetazione del Laghetto del Pian Piccolo (Monti Sibillini, Appennino Centrale) esequeto com l'aiuto del Drone. 2020. illus. (col.s). 24 p. 4to.Paper bd.- With summaries in French ad English.

Vegetation mapping of the Laghetto del Pian Piccolo (Sibillini Mountains, central Apennines) carried out with the help of
a drone. The goal of this contribution was to make the detection of a detailed phytosociological map (1: 2,000) with the use of a drone. The mapping was performed with a DJI MAVIC 2 PRO model drone; it is a type of technologically advanced drone in terms of optics, range and image transmission capacity. The photos were taken 320 meters above the ground on 5 July 2019. On the photographs obtained, it was possible to recognize all the vegetation limits with a few exceptions, for which it was necessary to carry out some checks on the ground. An essential problem in the mapping of vegetation is that of the boundaries between associations. Having a very detailed photograph available, the limits did not undergo any generalization process; they correspond to those existing in nature, so they are curvilinear and furthermore precisely follow the micro-morphology of the soil. These limits are very sinuous, between adjacent associations. The surveyed area corresponds to Pian Piccolo, a karst basin with a small lake at an altitude of 1329 in on the Sibillini Mountains Group (Central Apennines). The vegetation is made up of 14 plant associations, subassociations and communities belonging to 7 vegetation classes (Potametea, Phragmiti-Magnocaricetea, Scheuchzerio-Caricetea fuscae, Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, Polygono arenastriPoëtea annuae, Agrostietea stolonferae and Nardetea strictae).
Author Cahiers de Braun -Blanquetia. Monographies de cartographie géobotanique.
Article type Titel
Author Cahiers de Braun -Blanquetia. Monographies de cartographie géobotanique.
Manufacturer Franco Pedrotti Dipartimento di Botanica ed Ecologia dell'Università
Price excl. VAT 32,00
US price excl. VAT 33,9
EAN 9788899910303
ISBN 9788899910303
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