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Book ID: (79864)
Augustine, Johns, Yogendra Kumar and Jauti Sharma

Orchids of India-II: Biodiversity and Status of Bulbophyllum Thou. 2001. VIII, 113 p.

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Book ID: (96156)
Averjanov, Leonid Vladimirovic and A.L. Averjanova

New Orchids from Vietnam. 2006. (Komarovia, 4). illus. 39 p. gr8vo. Paper bd. - English.

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Book ID: (57036)
Averyanov, L. V., Nguyen Tien Ban, a. oth. (eds.)

Vascular Plants Synopsis of Vietnamese Flora. Vol. 02.1996. 277 p. 8vo. Paper bd.- In English.

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Book ID: (81095)
Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich, Phillip Cribb, Phan Ke Loc and Nguyen Tien Hiep

Slipper Orchids of Vietnam: with an introduction to the flora of Vietnam. 2003. Many col. illus. IX, 308 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.

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