Book ID: 110316
Flora of Peninsular Malaysia.
Series I: Ferns and Lycophytes. Ed. by B. S. Parris, R. Kiew, R. C. K. Chung and Y. H. Cheah: Volume 3. 2020. (Malayan Forest Records, 48). i45 col. pls. Many liner - drawings & dot maps. IX, 307 p. Hardcover.
The Flora of Peninsular Malaysia Series I provides revisions for lycophyte and fern families that occur in Peninsular Malaysia. Volume 3 includes 9 families, 32 genera and 115 species in the Lycopodiaceae, Adiantaceae, Aspleniaceae, Blechnaceae, Cryptogrammaceae, Cyatheaceae, Lomariopsidaceae, Marattiaceae, and Sinopteridaceae. Accounts include descriptions and keys for the identification of genera and species, and, in addition, species accounts include distribution maps, conservation status, illustrations and, where available, colour photographs. A key to the families that occur in Peninsular Malaysia is also provided.